

Some days I wake up, not remembering for myself

A name, a homeland or a family

I linger at my bedroom door and

wait for my soul to return

And bring back, slowly, to my head

The knowledge that was once there.

(From Diaries of a unknown man by
Salah "Abd al-sabour" -born 1931-,
translated by Wen-chin Ouyang)

2 comentarios:

sin gins said...

ey ya, how's that, how's everything there? and how are u? i'm coming back home finally, 'cause i'm so tired of this world. the thing is that i forgot to tell you two days ago that i did it, i get the citizenship finally, i was so desperate that i don't realized the really meaning of the thing, but now i'm so happy. we are partners again, and also we are champions of the world, we can celebrate. see you soon, as soon as you can fly home too... embrace...

Unknown said...

Congratulations my friend!!!!!!!!!!. bienvenido al mundo de los argentinos italianizados. por lo menos vos hablas italiano, y yo apenas me defiendo en un ingles pampeano, como podria haber sido el de Don Segundo Sombra. en fin, me alegro mucho que estes de vuelta, yo si dios quiere estaria por el mes de abril por las pampas. anoche en una fiesta de un amigo de un amigo (italianos)conoci una chica de Pedemonte, dice que es un pueblo con mucha montania, pero ya lo vere con mis propios ojos companiero. te quiero muchoooooooooooo, tu amiga de antanio, melina.